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Student Council

Achievement Report for 2018 Spring & Summer Semester SC N

  • Writer 펑닝
  • Date : 2018.11.12 00:00
  • Views : 1144

Dear PSPS Student Body, 
My fellow classmates and dear friends,


With your full trust and support, the Student Council for 2018 Spring & Summer Semester has successfully completed its duties today. I am proudly presenting you our Achievement Report for your review and comments. I would like to highlight some of our achievements below:

(1) We have achieved 100% implementation rate of our General Action Plan, completing 17 major programs/activities under 6 categories. 
(2) Information Channel: 3 Student General Assemblies (SGAs), open SC email psps_sc@ynu.ac.kr, information transparency on Superclub page. 
(3) Volunteering System: 3 volunteer committees with 22 registered volunteers and more than 20 unregistered volunteers.
(4) Awareness Campaigns: BYOB to reduce one-time use plastics and paper cups, World Environment Day to raise awareness, Promotional video clips for PSPS. 
(5) Life Support: Campus tour, Emergency response, flea market, T-shirt for 47 students with subsidies for 44 sc fee payers. 
(6) Academic Assistance: 33 Korean study sessions and 8 Taekwondo practice sessions; a Special Lecture Series, with 2 sessions on Presentation Skills, 3 sessions on Statistics & SPSS, and 1 session on Mental Pressure Management, textbook subsidies for 31 sc fee payers. 
(7) Cultural and Outdoor Event: 2 large-scale cultural festivals; Sport day, Daegu Tour, and Sangju City Excursion, with award and food subsidies for students. 
(8) Other Activities: Saemaul Unity Day, Global Citizenship Programs, Donation for Indonesia disaster relief, etc. 
(9) Reponse to Student Claims. 
(10) We had 21 SC Regular Meetings to timely discuss issues related to student needs and welfare, and developed 3 Management Procedures for transparency, volunteering and emergency response.

Our Achievement Report has more details on our programs, achievements and performance. Please refer to it for more information.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the PSPS students on behalf of the Student Council for your valuable trust, understanding, support and participation. We cannot make it without your cooperation.

I would like to thank all the volunteers for your untiring devotions and efforts to make every SC activity a success. You definitely demonstrate the Saemaul Spirit of self-help, diligence, cooperation, sharing, service and creativity.

I would like to thank all the Student Council members: Vice President Murego Vianney John (John), Secretary Paulyn Alexis Dela Reyna (Piao), Treasurer Zubeda Nangololo Namaleche (Zubeda), Auditor Mabuda Elliot (Mabuda), Batch Representative Andika Ayu Putri Ragil (Andika), Batch Representative Chindongu Manyonga (Manyonga), Batch Representative Khanal Santosh (Santosh), Batch Representative Aung Naing Soe (Soe), Batch Representative Chelda Lotfi (Lotfi), and Batch Representative Cubos Anna Francesca (Anna). It is my privilege and pleasure to work with you all. Your passion and creativity has always been a driving force to me. Thank you for devoting your time and energy to the Student Council work and providing the best services, and thank you in particular for tolerating my bad temper and correcting my silly mistakes!

It has been a great honor and precious experience for me to serve you as the Student Council President. I hope I serve you right. If you need me in the future, I will always be there.

I would like to ask all of you to continue to support the upcoming Student Council for 2018 Fall Semester and congratulations in advance to the upcoming new President!

Yours sincerely,

PSPS Student Council for 2018 Spring and Summer Semester

*** A Solidary, Self-help, and Innovative Student Community! ***