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YU alumni, “Let’s share the vision of the university and contribute in development of the alma mater!” N

  • Writer PR team
  • Date : 2023.06.15 15:26
  • Publication Date : 2023.05.23
  • Views : 7896

Incheon Alumni Association held a university development meeting with the president of the alma mater

President CHOI Oe-chool prepared explanation meeting data and made communications sharing the situation of the university and operation direction

Creation of the environment for “World-Class Private Universities” to expand consensus among college-region alumni associations

[May 23, 2023]

의류, 사람, 슈트, 실내이(가) 표시된 사진

자동 생성된 설명

 YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) met alumni and university management group for development of the university. 

YU Incheon Alumni Association held a meeting with the president of the alma mater. It was an event prepared by YU alumni to share the university's environment with the university's management group and to form a consensus on the university's future development direction.

 Alumni residing in Incheon invited President CHOI Oe-chool and he went to Incheon after preparation of the explanation meeting data. At 7:00 pm on May 19th, the meeting was held at Orakai Songdo Park Hotel in Incheon and major officials such as vice-president and dean of the university and about 60 executives of Incheon Alumni Association attended the meeting. 

The meeting lasted for about two hours and President CHOI Oe-chool personally explained current status of the university, direction of operation, and vision and shared main pending issues of the university with the alumni. President CHOI said, "All members of the university are doing their best to make a world-class private university environment by working together to cultivate talents required by the times in a rapidly changing society. I hope it to be a time to sympathize with the vision of the alma mater. In the future, YU intends to take a step forward as a creative and innovative university to contribute in the prosperity of human society. I want your interest and support so that we may become a vibrant alumni association and develop our alma mater into a prestigious private school.”

의류, 사람, 인간의 얼굴, 실내이(가) 표시된 사진

자동 생성된 설명

<President CHOI Oe-chool is explaining the direction of university management at “Alma Master President Invitation Roundtable by YU Incheon Alumni Association”>

 Chairman KIM Tae-me of YU Incheon Alumni Association prepared the meeting and said, “We prepared this meeting with the university and the alumni association to prepare a place to think about the development of the alma mater and the future of our juniors. It was a meaningful place to communicate about the situation of the university and the direction of development of the alma mater. The alumni association will actively step in to contribute in development of the alma mater and juniors.”

 Meanwhile, at the meeting on this day, YU Incheon Alumni Association also donated KRW 10 million as the university development fund. YU plans to expand communication with alumni associations in each region, starting with this meeting with the local alumni association. We plan to share university management plans with the alumni associations and explore the direction of sustainable university development through mutual discussions.