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Students of YU Department of Chemistry won the ‘Grand Prize’ in the university creative design competition N

  • Writer PR team
  • Date : 2023.11.23 15:52
  • Publication Date : 2023.11.09
  • Views : 6148

Presentation on the topic “Decomposition of organic matters and reduction of heavy metals using sunlight”

Developed research capabilities by preparing projects and presentations for 5 months

[November 09, 2023]

<Students of YU Department of Chemistry won the grand prize at “College Student Chemical Engineering Creative Design Contest”>

(From left: KIM Young-hwon, LEE Jae-hoon, SHIN Hyun-seop, and JANG Do-won)

Students of YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) Department of Chemistry won grand prize at “College Student Chemical Engineering Creative Design Contest” held as a part of “2023 Chem Frontier Fun & Fun Festival: Chemical Engineering College Student Festival to Spread Carbon Neutral ESG Value” hosted by Korean Society of Chemical Engineers. 

The award ceremony for this competition was held in conjunction with “15th Chemical Industry Day Event” held at Crystal Ballroom of Lotte Hotel Seoul on October 31.

This competition, held for chemical engineering college students, is a nationwide competition that comprehensively evaluates the creation of novel ideas and their feasibility.Beginning with the application for participation last July, the winning team was selected through evaluation of preliminary reports and final presentation materials.As a result, NCS team, consisting of LEE Jae-hoon (4th year), SHIN Hyun-seop (4th year), KIM Young-hwon (3rd year), and JANG Do-won (3rd year) from the YU Department of Chemistry, won the grand prize of honor.Prize money and certificates were awarded to the students of YU Department of Chemistry who received the grand prize.

YU students presented on the topic “Development of a recoverable photocatalyst that simultaneously performs organic matter decomposition and heavy metal reduction through rGO-WO3/Fe3O4 (reduced graphene iron oxide and tungsten oxide) ternary junction.”As the textile industry develops, heavy metals, dyes, and oxidizing agents are being used to create various colors and patterns in fabrics, and water pollution due to dye waste and waste heavy metals is accelerating.A photocatalyst using infinite energy, sunlight, performs the dual function of decomposing and reducing pollutants, and the results can be recovered with an external magnet to prevent environmental pollution.The photocatalyst research, which can help protect the environment and achieve carbon neutrality by utilizing the infinite energy in nature, was recognized as a novel idea and received good reviews from the judges.

LEE Jae-hoon, a student of YU Department of Chemistry (4th year) said, “During the five months of research and preparation on organic matter decomposition and heavy metal reduction photocatalyst development, it was difficult to prepare for classes and presentations at the same time, but I am happy and rewarded with good results.” JANG Do-won (3rd year), who also participated, said, “I gained a sense of accomplishment and confidence through the experience of presenting and winning at a national competition through collaboration with my team members.”

Professor KANG Mi-sook of the Department of Chemistry guided the students and said, “This is an achievement achieved through hard work based on the major capabilities and creativity of the students who participated in the competition.I will continue to do my best in student guidance and education so that the reputation of the YU Chemistry Department, which consistently demonstrates world-class research results every year, continues.