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YU opened “Lifelog Multi-Modal Untact Sensing Leading-Research Center” N

  • Writer PR team
  • Date : 2023.11.09 14:49
  • Publication Date : 2023.10.23
  • Views : 6839

Selected for 4+3 Year Project with a KRW 14.1 billion of total budget including national funds and local government subsidies

A leading regional research center with experts in engineering, medicine, and business

Announcement of business plan and declaration of the vision at the center opening ceremony on 20th

[October 23, 2023]


YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) opened Lifelog Multi-Modal Untact Sensing Leading-Research Center.

 On 20th, YU held the opening ceremony of Lifelog Multi-Modal Untact Sensing Leading-Research Center (Center Director Professor KIM Seong-ho) at LEE Si-won Global Convention Hall in Chunma Art Center. 

 Business promotion plan and vision of the research center was declared at the opening ceremony and about 60 persons including Director KIM Jong-yeon of YU Medical Center, President LEE Kyung-soo of Industry-Academic Research Department, Director KIM Cheol-hyeon of Gyeongbuk Regional Rehabilitation Hospital, Manager LEE Seung-tae of Gyeongsangbuk-do Metaverse Science Bureau Science and Technology Department, Manager YE Ho-jeong of Gyeongsan City's Future Strategy and ICT Convergence Team attended the ceremony and celebrated the opening of the center.

 In June, YU was selected for RLRC (Regional Leading Research Center) in Science & Technology Area of Leading Research Center Support Project hosted by the Ministry of Information & Communication and National Research Foundation of Korea and Lifelog Multi-Modal Untact Sensing Leading-Research Center was opened. As YU was selected as a leading research center of RLRC Project two times next to selection for Blue Technology of Autonomous Automobile Part & Material in 2019, the research capabilities of YU in the basic research field are being recognized by the government.

Untact lifecycle health management system platform in the range of “Acreening, Dianosis, Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation” will be developed through a research on intelligent multi-modal untact sensor platform combined with multi-physics characteristics such as electronics, radio waves, and light waves and with AI from July this year to February 2030 and KRW 14.1 billion, including 10.1 billion won in national funds and local government subsidies, will be invested to promote the project.

 Center Director KIM Seong-ho ((Professor of YU Department of Electronic Engineering) said, “Lifelog Multi-Modal Untact Sensing Leading-Research Center intends to solve the problems of an accelerating super-aging society and to conduct leading researches, cultivate high-quality talents, and support local settlement for activation of local intelligent digital convergence industry. Based on securing the source technology for multi-modal untact sensing, we plan to conduct researches that combine engineering and medicine and build a full-cycle healthcare platform from disease prevention to home care in order to help Gyeongsangbuk-do’s sustainable development.”