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Yeungnam Saemaul Scholarship Association, “Junior-love scholarship” for 18 years N

  • Writer PR team
  • Date : 2024.01.19 13:28
  • Publication Date : 2024.01.05
  • Views : 5209

“Overseas-Major In-depth Study Scholarship Students” were selected for 2023 Dep’t of  Saemaul International Development

“Saemaul Scholarship” was founded in 2003 focused in alumni and academic support is made for juniors every year

“School support” for juniors for 18 years… So far, KRW 258.5 million of scholarships has been awarded to 274 students

[January 05, 2024]


<Yeungnam Saemaul Scholarship Association held 18th scholarship award ceremony at the College of Social Sciences at YU on the 29th of last month>

The Yeungnam Saemaul Scholarship Association (Chairman CHOI Oe-chool, President of YU) held 18th scholarship award ceremony in Room 522 of the College of Social Sciences at YU on the 29th of last month.

Yeungnam Saemaul Scholarship Association was formed in 2003 to support the studies of juniors, centered on alumni who received “Saemaul Scholarship” and studied at YU Department of Community Development (currently the Department of Saemaul International Development) and President CHOI Oe-chool of YU led establishment of the scholarship society and continues to run it as the chairman.

Since the establishment of the scholarship association, scholarship has been given to juniors every year, and so far, KRW 258.5 million of scholarship has been given to 274 people, including KRW 10 million on this day. Scholarship students have built up their major competencies in their departments and are making great achievements by advancing to international organizations and related organizations such as the United Nations World Food Program (WFP), Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), and Saemaul Central Association.

At the scholarship award ceremony, Chairman CHOI Oe-chool, Chairman CHOI Young-jae of Alumni Association of Dep’t of Saemaul International Development, former Sangju Vice Mayor KIM Jong-il, Advisory Member KWON Seong-do of Jinmyung I&C, Professor HWANG Seung-il, CEO KIM Jin-young of Palgong M&C, CEO JEONG Jae-hoon of Toolise Co., Ltd, CEO KANG Dong-pil of Luxury Goods Appraisal Office, Director LEE Gyeong-seop of Middle-Aged Technology Startup Center of Kyungil University, senior graduates, and Dean LEE Jae-mo, professors, and students of Dep’t of Saemaul International Development attended.

For 2023 school year, scholarship students were selected among the students who demonstrated excellence in in-depth study abroad in order to strengthen students' global coexistence development capabilities. Ten students were selected for the scholarship and, among them, Park Ye-ji received excellent evaluation result in case studies and presentations on “Characteristics of Japan’s International Development Cooperation.” “Content and Characteristics of Japanese Machizukuri (Town Building),” and “Characteristics of Rural Development Policy (Focusing on Japan and Korea).”

Until now, the Yeungnam Saemaul Scholarship Association has given scholarship not only to the students of Dep’t of Saemaul International Development Department but also other students without restrictions on departments and degree programs.Past scholarship recipients include graduate students from Dep’t of Saemaul International Development, Dep’t of Computer Engineering, and Dep’t of Economics and Finance and the students studying abroad in Africa and Southeast Asia.

In the congratulatory address, Chairman CHOI Young-jae of Alumni Association of Dep’t of Saemaul International Development said, “With over 50 years of tradition, numerous alumni are active in various fields and are raising the status of the department, and the Yeongnam Saemaul Scholarship Association has also played a significant role in the development of the department. I hope that the meaningful scholarships collected by my seniors and mentors will serve as a foundation for the growth of my juniors.” In addition, Former Sangju Vice Mayor KIM Jong-il, currently Advisor of Yeungnam Saemaul Scholarship Association, said, “Twenty years have elapsed since establishment of the scholarship society which started with the idea of current President CHOI Oe-chool to encourage graduates of Dep’t of Community Development (currently Dep’t of Saemaul International Development) to support the studies of juniors despite difficulties. I am proud of the department professors, graduates, and current students coming together today, and I hope that it will be an opportunity for the junior students to feel proud of their alma mater and the department.”

<Chairman CHOI Oe-chool of Yeungnam Saemaul Scholarship Association (President of YU)>

Chairman CHOI Oe-chool of Yeungnam Saemaul Scholarship Association (President of YU) said, “I would like to thank everyone at the scholarship society who has been with us so that we can continue the scholarship society for 20 years with the love of seniors for their juniors. In 2024, we will increase the number of applications to two by providing scholarships every semester. We plan to increase our fundraising goal, and to celebrate the 77th anniversary of our founding, we plan to hold a seminar on the path taken and future of the Yeungnam Saemaul Scholarship Association. I hope that our current students will be able to demonstrate their potential and move forward toward their dreams based on the scholarships filled with affection from our seniors.”