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YU won “CSV·ESG Porter Award Project Effectiveness Category” N

  • Writer PR team
  • Date : 2023.12.21 09:56
  • Publication Date : 2023.12.07
  • Views : 6538

Being selected and awarded as a leading organization/enterprise in Creating Shared Value (CSV)

Recognition for effectiveness of Korean-style education ODA project through Park Chung-hee Graduate School of Saemaul

President CHOI Oe-chool, “Cultivation of Saemaul Development talents to drive development of developing countries is a shared value for common prosperity around the world.”

[December 07, 2023]

의류, 슈트, 사람, 인간의 얼굴이(가) 표시된 사진

자동 생성된 설명

<YU won “Project Effectiveness Category” in “10th CSV·ESG Porter Awards’. (The right is President CHOI Oe-chool of YU)>

YU (President CHOI Oe-chool) won CSV·ESG Porter Award in “10th CSV·ESG Porter Prize for Excellence in CSV” held at the Shilla Hotel Ruby Hall in Seoul on the 6th.

YU got the honor of winning an award in “Project Effectiveness Category” for cultivation of future leaders of developing countries based on Saemaul Undong, Korean experiences in development, sustainability development education, and leadership training, etc. and for endeavors to overcome global poverty and construct the foundation for self-reliant economy, through Park Chung-hee Graduate School of Saemaul.

President CHOI Oe-chool developed and established Saemaul Undong as an independent academic discipline, built a theoretical foundation for establishment of “Saemaul Studies,” and tried to add the values of “sharing, service, and creation” to the basic spirit of Saemaul Undong, “diligence, self-help, and cooperation to share and spread Saemaul Spirit 2.0.In the respect that education is the foundation of change and development to lead to sustainable development in developing countries and that education ODA is the major axis to form the center of international development cooperation, we led the establishment of Park Chung-hee Graduate School of Saemaul in 2011 and developed it into an unrivaled specialized institution for training talents of developing countries.

YU helps development of export markets for domestic enterprises by playing the role of an institution for government's education ODA and by helping export markets for domestic enterprises and built a differentiated Korean-style education ODA system based on our know-how on Saemaul Undong and Korean experiences in development and based on researches on Saemaul Studies and teaching capabilities.

의류, 인간의 얼굴, 사람, 슈트이(가) 표시된 사진

자동 생성된 설명

<YU won the “Project Effectiveness Category” in “10th CSV·ESG Porter Awards’. (President CHOI Oe-chool of YU)>

Since the opening of Park Chung-hee Graduate School of Saemaul, over 860 people from 73 countries around the world have enrolled and studied master's programs and, if short-term training on Saemaul Undong is included, over 4,000 foreign government officials and experts from over 80 countries shared their Saemaul experiences through training and education and play important roles in the field.Based on this human network, they serve as the bridges for local enterprises to discover overseas markets and for public diplomacy. The government is expanding ODA scale so that Korea, which has joined the ranks of advanced countries, may fulfill its obligation to contribute to the international community and YU is responding to the government's policy to expand ODA projects and is actively transferring Saemaul to developing countries.Numerous developing countries, including Philippines, Cambodia, and Uzbekistan, hope to share and get Saemaul Studies of YU, and recently, in addition to Saemaul International Development, requested academic fields are being expanded to computers, information communications, and water resources, etc.

It is also attracting international attention that contributions are made in cultivation of the talents of developing countries and establishment of policies for national development to lead expansion of international exchanges of policies beyond academic exchanges.Last August, the representative example is that President CHOI Oe-chool became the first foreigner to be awarded an honorary doctorate in education from Western University through the approval of the Cambodian government in recognition of his role as an advisor for Cambodia's national development and his contribution to the establishment and support of Western University's Department of Saemaul Economic Development.

President CHOI Oe-chool who stood on the podium that day, said, “YU is developing Saemaul spirit and Saemaul development into Saemaul Studies to cultivate talents for development of developing countries.I think this is the very shared value for common prosperity not only in Korea but also around the world. Thank you for giving me the prestigious Porter Award today and I will work harder in the future to contribute to human society based on the experiences that YU has accumulated over the past 10 years.”

Meanwhile, “CSV·ESG Porter Award” co-hosted by Institute for Industrial Policy Studies, Dong-A Ilbo, and Channel A promotes approaching method to Creating Shared Value (CSV), which is emerging as a paradigm for future management, and find out enterprises and organizations to lead approach, this year marks its 10th anniversary.